Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reading  Mark 10:46-52 has led me to realize few but important considerations when asking something from the Lord. In this text, Bartimaeus is a blind man who desires to get healed but has not given the opportunity to do so until a remarkable day happens to his life. That day was when Jesus passes by along the roadside where he was sitting and begging money. Without hesitation, he shouted boldly to get his attention. He was rebuked by the disciples of Jesus , yet he shouted even more thus catching Jesus attention. Eventually , Bartimaeus gets healed and followed Jesus wholeheartedly.
From this story, you can learn significant lessons to live by. Firstly, there is a need to sincerely and boldy ask Jesus about your needs in life. Without hesitation , you must come before his presence with humility. Secondly, you need to be persistent in asking your prayer requests. There may be some obstacles  in seeking what you need from the Lord, yet you need to be determined in knocking the door of his heart for surely he will open it for you. Thirdly, you need to be specific in whatever your need maybe. When Bartimaeus was asked what does he want, he boldy says’” I want to see” .Lastly, you need to be thankful to God by wholeheartedly following Jesus’ teachings . By living a consistent life with Jesus , you enable yourself to be connected with him  ; thus, enjoying every form of blessing along the way.

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